Top 12 Tips for First-Time Campers:
#2 - Know how to put up your tent AND be aware which way it's facing. If you're borrowing a tent from a friend, ask them to do a 5-minute demo. Trust me, this will save you time and headaches down the road. If your tent is missing pieces, has a tricky zipper, needs a hammer for the stakes - these are good things to know ahead of time. Also, before you set your tent down, check to see if there are rocks on the ground and if there's an incline. You don't want to put your head at the bottom of the incline, unless you like waking up to headaches the next day!
#3 - Always have your wallet on you. Need to buy firewood? Need to show your identification to check in to your campsite? You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget this step!

#6 - If camping during the summer, have plenty of bug repellent and sunscreen available. Your trip will be a lot less enjoyable if you're stuck itching 113 mosquito bites (been there, done that) or have to suffer a bad sunburn.
#7 - Be mindful of others when using your flashlight. If you're at a campground with other people, point the flashlight down at the ground. I must have been blinded half a dozen times in 10 minutes because people weren't aware of how far their light traveled!
#8 - Speaking of light, bring your lantern and soap to the bathroom. We were fortunate enough to have working toilets nearby, however there weren't any overhead lights or soap, so have those handy. While you're at it, have some hand sanitizer with you too!
#10 - If you need ice, you might be better off buying it on the campsite (if they have a market available). At Sequoia, you can buy 7 lbs. of ice for $3.99 or 20 lbs. for $9.69, which seemed incredibly cheap to us!
#11 - Wear layers. It can get chilly at night and you don't want to be unprepared so pack a hat if you're hair-deprived, lots of socks and sweaters, etc.
#12 - Use the bear locker! Not sure what a bear locker is? Neither was I, until I saw it for myself. It's a giant container at your campsite that holds anything that might smell good to a bear. This includes (but isn't limited to): food, trash, lip balm, repellents, ice chests, cans and bottles (even if unopened), toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, soap, cigarettes/cigars, infant car and booster seats, and cleaning supplies. Clean out your car before your trip and if you have anything in there that might smell good to a bear, move it to the bear locker. Your insurance company will thank you.
And there you have it folks, my top 12 tips for successful camping. If you decided to visit Sequoia National Park for 1 day, check out General Sherman, the largest tree in the world. It's quite beautiful and you'll feel like a mouse standing next to it!
TOTAL COSTS: $42 + food and gas for a day
$20 entrance fee into the park (unless you're active-duty military)
$22/night at Lodgepole in Sequoia National Park
TOTAL AMOUNT OF TIME: At least 1 day
Try to spend at least two nights there, if you can. We only could stay one night and missed out on so much!
EASY-PEASY SCALE (1 super easy - 5 very difficult): Varies
I understand it's not easy for most people to drop what they're doing and go camping, especially if they don't live near a national or state park. However, I do think it's at least worth a try!
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